Safety Round Up - Issue #7

Published 21 February 2024

PPE can increase heat-related issues
WorkSafe WA has published an interesting article on how wearing PPE can also increase risk in the heat.  Given this Summer’s heat and humidity doesn’t look like ending any time soon, it is certainly worth reviewing their tips:

Spot the Hazards Educational Resources
SafeWork SA has published some excellent educational resources that can be used in schools and at TAFE level.  It is a fun way to teach people about identifying hazards and could easily be used for workplace induction training. Check out the website and look at all the resources available including Toolbox Safety Talks on many topics such as forklift safety and hazardous manual tasks that you could easily use as part of your training responsibilities:

Working at Heights/Fall Prevention
SafeWork NSW have posted a timely reminder about obligations to protect workers from injuries from falls. They are halfway through their 12-month blitz on this with some interesting statistics. So far, it has handed out 1,499 Improvement Notices, 727 Prohibition Notices and 352 Penalty Notices amounting to $972,000. Be prepared for when they visit you:

WorkSafe Victoria has also published some statistics on falls over the past 12 months and resources on preventing falls in the workplace:

Setting up your workstation
While most of our focus is on safety on the factory floor, we often forget that our workstation set up can impact our wellbeing. WorkSafe WA has published the following reminders about correct workstation set up which can apply to all workers across Australia:

Workplace Manslaughter
The Supreme Court of Victoria has handed down a record fine in its first prosecution under Victoria’s new workplace manslaughter laws over the death of a young worker. For more details, please see AGWA’s News post and WorkSafe Victoria: